Work Wear – Corporate Power

Most of us are back to reality after a good break! But let me ask you a question, was your wardrobe on break too?  Did you do the necessary wardrobe planning for your “back to work” outfits?

I know a lot of people do not think of this as they might feel, why do I need to plan for my work outfits, I will just pull out an outfit, which ever comes first.  Or you might have started a new job and you are unsure to what to wear.

Let me share with you a few things, firstly, yes, it is very important to to plan your wardrobe and secondly, in the society we live in today, we tend to have this, “anything goes” attitude towards our outfits, just as long as I do my job and do it well.  Yes, you are right, working hard is a fundamental ingredient to success, however to way you present yourself is as important.

You have two major groups of work wear, the first is corporate and the other is a more casual corporate look.  In this post I am quickly going to focus on the corporate wear.

Corporate wear key items are as follows:

  • Tailored Jacket
  • Classic White Buttoned Shirt
  • Black Formal Pants
  • Court Shoes
  • Shift Dress
  • Pencil Skirt

You might say, these items sounds so dull and boring, it does not have to be.  Here are some examples how to “swoosh” up an outfit:

  • Black pants, white buttoned shirt, red shoes, red tailored jacket.
  • Shift dress, with pink shoes and pink cardigan


It’s time to dress for success and start planning your corporate capsule!

With Style



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Woman of Worth