Can You See It?

See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up, do you do not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 43 : 19

It has been a while, in fact, a really long while since my last blog but as they say – all things beautiful in its time!

We’re already halfway through the first month of 2022, I can hardly believe it!  Many of us, myself included, took time to be quiet and reflect on 2022 towards the end of last year. Some of you might have made new years’ resolutions whilst others might have set some new goals . . .

The past two years was just crazy to say the least. This motivated me to draw near to my Father’s heart and allow Him to speak to me. I needed to hear Him clearly.  Whilst spending time with Him, He ministered a few things to my heart – one of which I want to share with you. Please allow me a few minutes of your time and open your heart as you read the following.

The above-mentioned Scripture resonated in my heart and as I started meditating on it (pondering, re-reading and taking notice), what gripped my attention was the following excerpt “. . do you not perceive it?”  This part of the verse had an urgency about it that said “Look and see, open your eyes, I am doing a NEW thing, a way has been made!” It was as if God was taking me by the shoulders, shaking me and saying, “hey, Lizane, can you not SEE it?!!!”

I REALLY want to encourage you, especially after these past two years of fear and uncertainty. You may feel that there is no way out of your situation, you are on the verge of giving up, feeling that you are forgotten and without purpose.

I have good news for you my friend. God is enfolding you in His arms saying, “look carefully for I am doing a NEW thing, the way has been made, just OPEN your eyes and SEE!”

Maybe you’re asking, “but how do I see this, Lizane? I’ve been looking and I’m trying to go on, but I just don’t see a way out!  Well, my friend, the answer is simple. Spend time with the One Who created you, Who made you in His beautiful Image!  He’s longing for you to climb on His lap, longing to hear you say, “here I am Father, show me the way”.

His plan for you is that of a Great Future and not to harm you (Jeremiah 29 : 11). Hold on to this promise! Draw ever closer to His heart, to the place where you can hear His heart beating for YOU and soon you will see, yes you will really perceive, that God, YOUR Father is doing a new thing!

Are You Ready?

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Woman of Worth