Client Journey To The Real Her!

My client and my journey started quite a while back, where I got to know her and understand her who she is as a person and what her lifestyle entails.

My client is a very selfless lady, whose personality comes across as introvert until you get to know her.  Because of her having a selfless streak about her, she always came last in what she wore, it will mostly be hand-downs form friends or family or old clothes. She also does not like shopping and therefore also rarely bought herself clothes.  This being the cause of her wearing clothes that does not suit her body, skin tone and lifestyle. 

My client is a mother of a 2-year-old, works in a corporate environment.  Her personality is that of a sporty type, cool, comfortable and sophisticated with an edge and this we had to reflect in wardrobe.  

So, we threw away her tights, tops that does nothing for her body type, basically nearly everything and started planning her wardrobe with a small budget. 

We replaced this with a few winter items which gave me space to show her how to mix and match the items we bought. 

Her style now reflects who she is and her lifestyle perfectly and for the first time she is blooming wherever she goes.  

She can now walk the streets confidently knowing that her outfits are a good advert of who she is and confidently look into the eyes of the world and say “hello” here I am.

The beauty of who she is now truly reflecting on the outside, she is such a beautiful lady inside and out and it was my absolute honour to walk this journey with her and will continue to do so, even though she will now be calling the UK her new home. 

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Woman of Worth