Well, hello to all the WOW ladies around the world! This time around, I wanted to make our blog a bit different and a whole lot of fun. In order to learn a little more about my views on style, I decided to address some of the most frequent and commonly asked questions that most of you would like the answer to.

Truth be told, this is a first for me as I generally answer questions on a one-on-one basis, but moving out one’s comfort zone invariably brings about growth, so without any further ado, let’s do this! . . .

QUESTION ONE:  What are the characteristics of a stylish woman?

I truly believe that every woman is, without even realizing it, stylish in her own unique way.  If she is confident within herself, she will dress up and show up as her own stylish self.  The main and I’ll even go as far as saying, only characteristic of a stylish woman is CONFIDENCE IN THE KNOWING WHO SHE IS.    Understanding who you are and what your purpose is goes a loooooong way in bolstering your confidence.   Stop playing the comparison game or wishing you had someone else’s life.  Embrace who you are, love your life and you are off to a good start!

QUESTION TWO: What, in your opinion are the main style blunders?

O my, this is quite a complex question, but I believe the biggest style blunder is not dressing according to your style. Understanding your body shape and knowing how to enhance your assets and camouflage your “lesser” assets will most definitely eradicate said blunders, i.e rather rolling up your jeans above your ankle boot, instead of tucking it into your boot.

As this is such a vast subject, perhaps I would dedicate a separate blog just to chat about current style blunders in the not too distant future as this can also be very much a season thing.

QUESTION THREE:  What are the definite style no no’s for the mature woman?

This is a great question but in my opinion, this may vary from one individual to the next.  I think the most important factor to embrace is the fact that you are getting older and that today’s trends might not be best suited for you.

I would suggest that you invest in classic items, adding a bit of colour to lend some “oemf” to your outfit.  Don’t throw out your skirts! Find the correct skirt for your body type and ensure that it covers your knees. {this is more age appropriate}   Invest in staple jewellery items and remember. . . good foundationwear is key.

Growing older was never intended to be dull and boring, but a statement of class and style.

QUESTION FOUR: What are the colour considerations to keep in mind when choosing an outfit?

You need to understand which colours are best suited for your skin tone, especially what you wear on your upper body. Wearing the correct colours will work wonders in making you look younger instantly, more vibrant and more alive!

QUESTION FIVE:  How does knowing God influence the image we project?

Knowing God is knowing your identity, the wellspring of your essence, your very being.  I use this example. The person you spent the most time with will cause you to start picking up certain habits from that person.  The same with God.  The more time you spend time with Him, the more you become like Him and will start projecting His image.

QUESTION SIX:  I heard it said that identity defines one’s style, please elaborate.

As mentioned in the previous question, knowing God is understanding your identity.  Once you understand WHO YOU are, you will start showing up as that person from the inside out, first who you are, then how you dress.  The answer to this can become a whole essay on it’s own and is also the core and very foundation of Woman of Worth Image Consulting

QUESTION SEVEN:  How can I still be stylish within serious budget constraints?

What a great question! Not everyone has the resources to buy brand-name items and you absolutely don’t have to as prerequisite to being stylish.

I suggest that you spend the greater part of your budget on your staple items as these that will serve you for years. Additional items can then be the more affordable ones.

If your wardrobe needs a complete overhaul, here is how to work towards it. Make a list of items you need and if you can not purchase it all at once, make an effort to at least buy one item per month. Start saving and gradually build your wardrobe toward the desired end-result.

QUESTION EIGHT:  When trends change, do I change my wardrobe accordingly?

Trends come and go and they merely serve as add-ons to your current wardrobe.  Trends is seasonal. Your basic wardrobe should remain consistent, simply add a few trend pieces that will still reflect your style.

Have some questions of your own? Please address them to: and watch our Social Media Platforms or the blog for the answers!

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Woman of Worth