The month known as the month of love, when just thinking of that special someone causes the heart to flutter and beat a little faster, thinking that no gift would ever be enough to show him/her how much you love them.
Well my friend, I have a secret for you. There is One whose heart beats faster when thinking of you, not just today or tomorrow, but every day! He is the ultimate valentine; the One who is known as LOVE! He is the one who loved you first, Who created you for the sole purpose of being loved by Him! Love hung on a cross for you, and this was the beginning of the greatest love story ever told.
May I hold your hand”? He asks, being the eternal and perfect gentleman that He is. His hand reaches for mine and for one fleeting second my eyes catch a glimpse of those tell-tale scars, still unmistakable after all these years.
“It was for you, yes” He whispers as if reading my mind, “and I’ll do it all over again just for the sake of having you close by My side. Believe Me loved one, it was worth it all”! His gaze met with mine and the love in His eyes undeniable, captivating, divine. . . There is no greater love than this. My heart has found it’s Home.
A love letter from the one who knows you best and loves you most!