How do I cleanse my wardrobe – With a friend or a personal stylist of course!

Doing a wardrobe cleanse is always such a daunting experience, because you never too sure if you are making the right choices for example:

  1. “I have not worn this item for more than a year, but maybe I will wear it in the future”
  2. “I wore this item, I weighed less than I do now, but one day I will fit in this item again and its then years down the line”
  3. “This item I had since I was eighteen and have such good memories and don’t want to get rid of this item”


and the list goes on…..  (Go check-out my blog called The Wardrobe Blues)

That is why it is a good idea to invite a friend over, grab some eats, a glass off wine and you good to go.  A friend will always give an honest opinion if she thinks an item will work for you or not and also to let you know it when it’s time to let a certain item go, (remember a friend most of the times knows you better than anyone else).  Have some laughs whilst you doing a cleanse, have a “fashion show” of putting strange items together etc.  This will make a stressful situation so much more fun.

You can also get the assistance of a personal stylist to assist you in a wardrobe cleanse which could also be much fun, but daunting as this is in your personal space and she will challenge your comfort zone a bit, but always look at the end result and that is that you will have a wardrobe that defines your style, works for you and that is not cluttered.

So go on, go call that friend, get some treats and have a glass of wine and have a fun time cleansing your wardrobe. ?

With style


Photo credit : Pinterest

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